We were too spoiled for much too long. We ran around last week shouting "We're hotter than Ibiza, we're hotter than Ibiza." And indeed, we were. It made the local news on the hour every hour. We were warm, no, strike that...we were much too boiling hot for a village on the North East coast. Windows were perpetually thrown open and at dusk every night i ran outside to try to water the plants. Too many of them took a bit more sun than was good for them and my poor sweet pea's have dwindled down to about a pot and a half worth now. I still hope that they can come up through my roses later in the summer.
Last week was a reading week, just reading in the garden, and the occasional nap. "We're not made for this weather," we would tell our neighbours. I knew too well that we all got a little bit more friendly when it snowed outside, but i never have gotten the oppertunity to find out we were more open to peeping over garden fences in the Summer heat to chat too.
We had it good for too long, it started to get too 'close', even spending the day down on the beach didn't help. There was no 'air', no breeze or freshness. My head hurt non-stop for a whole week, we all felt the pressure building above our heads....then...BANG!
A giant thunder and lightning storm. It lasted all night and the rain poured down. Giant drops, not spring or summer showers. Wild, crazy, howling, thrashing wind and storms.

Dasiy dog barked twice and went back to sleep. I sat in the porch for a while watching it all, but quite frankly it got a bit dark after a while and the storm calmed and i headed off to bed.

In the morning my head didn't hurt and it was cool outside. The next couple of days The Storm was all we spoke about...very British, its all about the weather! "Did you hear the storm?", "Were you kept awake by the storm?", "Cleared the air, that storm did, didn't it?"
We will never be happy, unless we're just happiest talking about the big news in the village, which apparently is just the weather.
Have a great weekend, The Husband is home and i couldn't be happier!
No storms at this end Sheila and today local farmers have been put on drought alert .... suppose that will be another excuse for them to start putting prices up. Have a good weekend x
We are still in the depths oppressive heat though there was a bit of a breeze this morning. So glad you have a little relief. Have a great weekend!
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